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Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Advantages of web 2.0

-Web 2.0 it transforms the visitor from a spectator to an active participant. Take the example of a popular Web 2.0 spin off –blogs.

-It allows the readers to share their thoughts on a particular piece

-Web 2.0 has made it possible for the readers to leave a comment and thus make his opinion known to the blog writer as well as other readers

-Web 2.0 has also made it possible to keep a tab on the site for updated contents

-Web 2.0 has offered the advantage of personalizing the content.

-Many experts state that ‘communication’

-Web 2.0 also allows people to share news about interesting sites and web pages that they may come across.



-disadvantage associated with Web 2.0 is that the websites become vulnerable to vandalism

-Web 2.0 offers anonymity to the person who edits the content.

-Similarly, Web 2.0 spin-offs such as wikis and blogs are also plagued by copyright issues.

-Web 2.0 also has to address the issues of privacy. Take the example of YouTube. Many experts believe that Web 2.0 might put the privacy of a person at stakesources

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